Guitarist's worst nightmare scenario: you're onstage, the crowd is jumping, the gig is rocking. You scale the bass drum and leap legs akimbo into the air, the fans going wild for your rockstar antics. What you didn't realise is that your guitar strap came off mid-jump and your trusty axe is now lying on the ground in three pieces, as useful as the firewood it's now become. But don't be distraught – the adulation can be yours, thanks to Eagle Mountain's brand new strap with Lock-It technology! TheLock-It strap features the anti-slip Lock-It mechanism, which holds the strap tightly round the guitar's strap button. Simply pull back the Lock-It tab, attach your strap at both ends, close the tab, and hey presto! Try as you might, you won't be able to get your guitar to fall with this – the Eagle Mountain Lock-It strap is flexible, lightweight and tough, and best of all, it won't require any guitar modifications whatsoever!