Guitar strings
If you're having trouble deciding what type of strings to put on your guitar, do not be afraid! Once you get a few fundamentals out of the way, your choice will mostly come down to playing style and personal preference. Every type of stringed instrument demands a very specific type of string to attain its best tone and performance. There are even several different types of strings available for each instrument that greatly affect how you sound and play. Electric guitar strings are often steel or nickel with the ability to translate through your guitar’s magnetic pickups. Acoustic steel strings utilize wraps of different bronze alloys to deliver the most warmth and harmonics possible. If you’ve ever picked up an electric bass guitar, then you know bass guitar strings are very different than guitar strings. To span the bass’s longer scale length and get the strong low end and sustain needed for the instrument, bass strings need to be much thicker and a lot longer than their guitar counterparts. You will find different wrapping materials for different tones, such as flat-wound, tape-wound, and the traditional round-wound bass guitar strings. Acoustic strings may be phosphor bronze or an 80/20 bronze/zinc alloy, electric strings may be pure steel or a steel/nickel alloy, and the outer winding on the thicker strings may be either round wound or flat wound, which is typically used by jazz guitarists for smooth fingering with less fretting noise. Acoustic and electric strings are both now available with special super-thin coatings to protect them from sweat and corrosion. Coated strings cost more, but generally last much longer.
Major manufacturers include D'Addario, Dunlop, Fender, Martin, Elixir, etc. Regular string changes are the best way to keep your tone crisp and clear, so grab a pack and tune 'em up! Make sure you have a string winder to make installing the strings go faster, and some pliers with a fine wire cutter to clip the excess string from the tuning post, a well as some guitar polish – changing strings is a good time to perform some routine maintenance. Keep a clean cloth in your case to wipe down the strings after each use, along with extra bridge pins for your guitar.
Buy guitar strings in Musician.UA
Not sure which type of guitar strings to choose? Our sales consultants will help you choose the right product for you. Online consultation is also possible. You can buy guitar strings in our stores. It is also possible to place an order on our website Delivery is carried out all over Ukraine. Thanks to the wide assortment, everyone will be able to choose a product that suits the characteristics and cost. We take care of the quality of service and do everything possible to make sure that you are satisfied with your purchase.