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Scanners - lighting devices with a stationary body, the principle of which is that the beam from the source is projected onto a movable reflector, which is attached to drive the stepper motor. Controll of the scanner could be for DMX-512 protocol and / or audio signal. Depending on the type of scanners are reflector with a mirror with a mirror drum and the other. Depending on the number of reflectors distinguish scanners with one or two reflectors.

Scanner with mirror enables one to receive the light projection, while two scanner mirrors allows to obtain several (8-10 projection light). Often the mirror drum is used to obtain the effect of "chopper". Another advantage of the scanner mirror is that it can be used as a floodlight having a narrow color change movable beam. There are also scanners with two reflectors. The main advantage of this type of scanner is its price. This is due to the fact that a scanner with two reflectors are cheaper than two scanners, one device more compact of the two, the more that get a variety of effects simply by controlling a single instrument. Scanners are a group instrument designed to work in groups of 2-4 units. The most striking and impressive of the scanner can be called with two mirror drums located in the center of the room, which is obtained when using more than 8 light spots.