The story begun when Nazzareno Orlandoni (but the industry knows him as Mimmo all over the world) created the company to manufacture parts for accordions and reed organs in 1957 under the name Orlandoni And Co. In the early days of the company, Mimmo was joined by Alfio Monaci (Mimmo's brother-in-law) the new company name was chosen and the ORLA company was established in 1965 in Castelfidardo, the musical instrument capital of Italy. The company went into the production of electronic organs and quickly established a reputation in the world market and it is now the only company in Italy and Europe known as full line manufacturer producing Home Organs, Church Organs, Digital Pianos, Portable Keyboards and Sound Modules and Electronic Accordions.
ORLA not only produces under its own brand name but for others also. Companies from the international music industry (American, Japanese and European) have used the research, development and production facilities that ORLA has to offer. ORLA has exhibited at the International Frankfurt Musik Messe for the past 35 years and also exhibited regularly at the USA Namm Shows. International distributors have presented ORLA made products at all the major national and regional music exhibitions throughout Europe, USA, Middle East, China and Australia. The sounds are selected and carefully sampled making sure that the result will be a warm and clear sound, pleasant for the beginners and for the professional players alike. The styles are the result of long hours of meetings of the ORLA players from Europe (Italy, England, Germany and Holland) to make sure that the overall package will be in tune with the request of the market.
The main strategy of ORLA is to make sure that the family tradition of good and reliable products with the typical taste of the Italian culture will by provided in all products.
There are now so many products made in many parts of the world and some time it is difficult to identify were the instrument was developed. Since the GM standard was applied, many products sound the same and very little differences can be found. Most of the products have similar features and most of them look also similar. The message at ORLA is : make an instrument that sounds good and give pleasure to the players and make the buyer proud to have chosen an Italian musical instrument, make him proud to buy a piece of the Italian culture. Every new product is made according to the many years of experience that ORLA has in its DNA, in its blood, and the development team is controlled by Mr Enrico Monaci and Mr Luca Serenelli, the ORLA Musical Advisor. For many years ORLA has been the manufacturing company for many famous European, Japanese and USA brands and this was a very useful experience to identify what was important in a product. The secret was identified in the history and in the Italian culture. The Italian classical and modern music is played all over the world. The design in the fashion business and furniture is number one in the world.