The kick drum is percussion instrument a kind of large orchestral drum, has a smaller diameter and a lowest pitched rumbling sound. The shell of bass drum can be of metal or wood with the heads of calf skin or plastic. It's provide different tones and character of the kick drum sound.
Kick drums are used in several genres of music as a important part of drum kits to mark or keep time. The bass drum makes a low, boom sound from very quiet to loud thundering when the mallet hits the drumhead. Usually one Kick drum is used but in many forms of heavy metal and hard rock, as well as some forms of jazz, fusion, and punk, two bass drums are used (one operated by each foot) or a double-kick-pedal is used (two pedals on the same bass drum).
The kick drum struck with a beater attached to a pedal. Quick rhythmic figures on the bass drum provide with a double bass drum pedal.
We are pleased to introduce you to a kick drum-known brands: DW, Premier. Our consultants will help you find and buy the right kick drum. There is a delivery to any city in Ukraine: Kharkov, Lugansk, Poltava, Zhitomir, Zaporozhye, Rivne, Mykolayiv, Lutsk et al. in any convenient carrier. Residents of Kiev and Odessa will be able to buy a kick drum directly into the shops "Musician".