Equipment for sound processing
In addition to your microphones and DAW, an essential part of any studio set-up is your signal processing gear. From the dynamics control of compressors and limiters to the effects processing of reverb and delay, these tools are necessary to create a professional-sounding final product. Understanding how the dynamic control processors like compressors, limiters, EQs, and gates function, and knowing how to use multi-effects such as delays and reverbs to perfection will make you a better producer and engineer. It’s also important to remember that signal processing tools are just that – tools. There are no rules stating you can’t use them in different or novel ways to create new sounds.
An equalizer is an audio device that has the ability to boost and/or cut the energy (amplitude) in specified frequency ranges by employing one or more filter circuits. There are many different types of EQs that are used in various applications today, but fundamentally, they all do the same thing.
A compressor is a device for controlling the dynamic range of program material. This is useful in the case of vocals or an instrument that changes from low levels to very high levels. Reducing the dynamic range causes the highest levels to be reduced, which prevents distortion and makes it easier for you to set optimum levels. Properly applied compression allows an instrument or vocal to “sit” better in the mix and allows for louder average levels and punchier-sounding mixes.
A limiter stops the output of a signal path from exceeding a predetermined level. An example of a limiter being particularly effective is the protection of speakers from overload and distortion. Often used in mastering and broadcasting, limiting can prevent distortion in both digital and analog systems.
Noise gates are a type of compressor that is often used to automatically mute the signal from a temporarily unused mic or other input source. When a mic signal level drops below a certain point, that mic’s input is cut (attenuated) fairly quickly to eliminate any background noise it may be contributing to the mix.
After equalization and compression, the most frequent effect sound engineers rely on is reverb. Reverberation is the combinations of reflected sounds that exist in a room after the source of the sound has stopped.
The process entails taking an audio signal, holding it in temporary memory, and then playing it back after a certain time. Simply put, delay is making a sound repeat at a later time.
Buy equipment for sound processing in Musician.UA
You can buy equipment for sound processing in our stores. It is also possible to place an order in the online shop. Delivery is carried out all over Ukraine. Thanks to the wide assortment, everyone will find a suitable product for themselves. You can always count on professional advice and assistance. We care about the quality of service and do everything we can to make sure you are satisfied with your purchase.