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Public address systems
A public address system comprises electrical equipment to greatly amplify a speaker's voice so it will reach a much more quantity of people. There are many different types of public address system available on the market for various requirements. The origins of the PA system dates back to around 1910, when the Automatic Electric Company of Chicago, Illinois, announced it had developed a loudspeaker, which it marketed under the name of the Automatic Enunciator. By 1913, multiple units were installed throughout the Comiskey Park baseball stadium in Chicago, both to make announcements and to provide musical interludes.
High-quality public address and voice evacuation systems are essential for dealing with security and safety challenges. To be truly effective, a system must deliver exceptional performance and reliability. The loudspeakers must provide clearly heard and understood audio signals. Certain industrial environments may require that the speakers be flame retardant or weather-proofed to ensure operational readiness in all conditions. Messages can be pre-recorded in the event of an emergency to give specific directions to the entire facility quickly. Messages can be used in the event of an emergency or to just to give general announcements.
A loudspeaker system includes loudspeakers, amplifiers, microphones and audio switching matrixes used to broadcast alarms and provide voice paging on the facility. The size of the facility determines the number of speakers and amplifiers needed. Simple public address systems are typically used in small rooms. Acoustic reinforcement systems with many speakers are widely used in public places and commercial buildings such as parks, shopping malls, stadiums, etc. Intercom systems installed in many buildings have speakers throughout the building and many rooms have microphones. Public address and intercom systems are commonly used in emergency communications systems. Nearly all public address systems are designed individually to best suit the environment and include the right features with a suitable amount of simplicity or complexity.
Buy sound systems and public address systems in Musician.UA
You can order sound systems and public address systems on our website An online consultation is also possible. Delivery is carried out all over Ukraine. Thanks to the wide assortment, everyone will find a suitable product for themselves. You can always count on professional advice and assistance. We care about the quality of service and do everything we can to make sure you are satisfied with your purchase.